Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 1 and 2 in the life of Guen

I am going to make this a short post and because I don't have much time til the next feeding time, here goes. Week one with Guen consisted of tons of tears with breastfeeding. I would give birth 1000 times than to relive that week again. My milk did not come in til about day 7, took meds to bring in my milk which lead to some horrible side effects of jitteriness and calling the doctor. She lost weight from 8lb 12oz to 8lb 4oz. But at least she did not have an increase in her bilirubin which I was panicked about being a NICU nurse. Week 2 was 1000 times better and consisted of Guen finally getting satiated from breastfeeding and hanging out with family (see pics). This weeks pedi visit consisted of another weigh in. She is now up to 9lb 10oz and did great during her exam and lab work for her newborn screen. Week 2 also started the meal deliveries for us from our Sunday school class and my neighborhood mom's group. We will have meals every day from Oct 19th-Nov 1st. It has been so helpful to have those meals! Yesterday was also a big day because my parents decided to go home for awhile. I don't think they will stay away long but they wanted to give Ryan and I the weekend alone together. They had been in Houston for 1 month! They were here 1 week before waiting for Guen to arrive and today she is 3 weeks old. They were so helpful and will be sorely missed but I gotta figure out how to take care of this baby on my own. Here are some random pics taken these few weeks since her birth.

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