Saturday, August 15, 2009

Getting Ready for Baby

Ryan and I refer to this kid inside me as, "Baby." Ryan and I wonder when this kid is like 16 if we will still say, "Baby, take out the trash," or, "Baby, you need to do your homework." My only complaint I have about not knowing the gender is not about the silly "theme" for the nursery or what color clothes I need to buy, but that we can't refer to it by one of the names we have picked out .

Anywho, I have not written in awhile cause last weekend we were so busy. Busy, of course, getting ready for Baby. Ryan and I both had a three-day weekend that started with Friday. We went to borrow Ryan's sister's truck to get some more hand-me-down furniture from my NICE NICE friend Julie. Props to Julie here!!! She not only gave us her crib but the dresser/changing table, rocker, side table and shelf that all match as well. We are so lucky to have these generous hand-me-downs.

After going all the way to Julie's house and then back to our house to unload everything, we headed off to the Woodlands and went to the Pottery Barn store to finally get an adult bed to go in the bedroom with Baby. The plan is for the person who is on maternity/paternity leave will sleep in that room with Baby to tend to he/she during the night, so the other person that has to get up and go to work can get a good night's sleep without a screaming baby in our bedroom. That is the plan; we will see what happens.

Regardless there is a bed finally in that bedroom for when the kid grows up--a freakin, NICE, EXPENSIVE POTTERY BARN BED. Luckily we used up all of our GC's from our wedding to buy this bed plus a little extra more. On the way home we stopped at Mattress Firm and got some Tempurpedic mattresses. I don't think I will ever want to sleep in our bedroom again with our regular mattress after sleeping in Baby's room on the adult bed. We spent a lot of money that day and that makes me nervous, so we got home around 7pm and chilled. Our bed and mattresses should be delivered at the end of this month, hence why I have not put the "after pictures" of Baby's room on the blog. I want it to be completely done before we take pics.

Saturday, I got up and went walking and went to the grocery store to get some fajitas. The Homers, Sarah and Aaron and Aaron's brother Chris, came over for dinner that night. Sarah, my seamstress friend who made all my bedding for the crib, saved the day and fixed the bumper that I ruined in the wash. She brought over her little sewing kit and unstitched everything and unfolded the foam pad and sewed it back up. I know it seems simple but to me, with no sewing skills whatsoever, she saved the day! Props to Sarah! We visited and ate and ate and ate. Sunday was our day of rest. I don't quite remember what we did but I know it was not nearly as busy as the Friday and Saturday.


  1. Like we always tell the boys..."Even when you're 80, you'll still be my baby". Glad things are coming together. Shouldn't you be slowing down?!?

  2. Who knew that you would still be blowing and going the day your baby was due? Not me.
