Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekend Report

This weekend I had off Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday I had a meeting at work from 10-2. It was for a committee I am on that I know I really would be more interested in if I a). was not a new mom and busy as heck b). actually lived close to the medical center so I could come in and work on stuff c). if they could pay for the $12 parking when I have to come in and d). see a! Anywho, I got home from the meeting thinking I was going to come straight home, change and help my parents move into their new house that they closed on last week, but somehow there was a misunderstanding. I thought they were moving Friday and they were really moving in Saturday. Oh well. So Ryan and I hung out watched a movie, made some dinner and called it a night. Saturday we got up and met the Sarah and Aaron at Grand Luxe Cafe for some lunch. That is when they told us the big news that Sarah is pregnant! How exciting! After lunch Ryan and went to the Galleria and exchanged some Christmas clothes and I bought a sweater, purse and graphic tee. I have not bought myself clothes in so long in the hopes that I will lose more weight. After our shopping we went straight to my parents new house and visited with them for awhile. It is so weird to see stuff from San Marcos that I grew up with in this new house. But the house looks great and they already had a lot done. Since they are keeping the San Marcos house they can make more trips to pick up other things slowly. Sunday we went to church and dropped Guen off in the little childcare nursery there. Both time when we leave her she is awake and so cute and when we come pick her up all the other babies are screaming bloody murder and having to be held and consoled by the caregivers, but Guen is just sound asleep in her crib. She is such a good baby. In fact, the last 3 nights she has slept 12 hours. We don't know if this is a fluke, growth spurt, or what, but we are loving it. Cross your fingers that she does it tonight too. So back to Sunday, we came home from church where my parents were cleaning out the closet of their room here at our house since they have stayed so long, they have a bunch of stuff over here. We all had lunch over here including Ryan's mom who came over too. I ran to the store to get ready for the work week and Ryan took Guen for a walk in the stroller during this pretty day. Here is a pic of my sweet girl who is 4 months old this weekend. She is getting so big.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Congratulations Aaron and Sarah!

Sarah is preggers! Ryan and I are thrilled.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009

Gosh, it has been a long time since I have written. I guess that is what happens when you are working full time, with a cold and taking care of an infant. Yes, I started back to work on December 28th and Ryan has started his paternity leave for 3 months. Work is going well and Ryan is doing a great job as a stay-at-home dad. We have been busy this last part of 2009, beginning of 2010. We have had the Homers over for dinner, we had a nice Christmas Eve with Tootie and Chad and then church service that evening. Ryan, Guen and I celebrated Christmas as a little family. We opened prezzies for Guen and had a big breakfast casserole. On the 26th we celebrated Christmas with Ryan's side of the family and on the 27th my parents came back into town and we celebrated Christmas with them. The next day was my first day back to work. We did not do anything for New Year's since we are old lame parents now. We were in bed by 10pm. This past week I have had a cold but I am on the up and up now. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Here are some pics for you to enjoy of Guen's first Christmas.