This weekend, I again, had off Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Thursday night after I got home from work, I made a meal for the Homers. I made my white lasagna, salad, and attempted to make a cake. The cake that I made crumbled when I tried to frost it. It was so moist and delicious, I decided to still salvage the cake and frost it and take it upon myself to eat it instead of giving it to the Homers. BTW, we just finished eating the cake tonight! Sad, yes, we ate an entire cake between Ryan and myself in just 3 days. Anywho, Friday morning when I woke up, I made some chocolate chip cookies since I could not bear giving them a lopsided cake. Then I got dressed and delivered Guen over to my parents house for them to watch her. I wanted to give all my attention to Sarah and baby Kate. I delivered the meal to the Homers and asked Sarah if she wanted me to bring her some lunch or if she wanted to go out for lunch. Suprisingly that Sarah was up and dressed looking beautiful with her makeup on and hair curled and looking super skinny wanting to get outta the house for lunch. She makes taking care of a newborn look effortless. So we took Kate and went to Daily Review Cafe. I have not been there in such a long time and it was delicious. Of course one week old Kate, was an angel. What made the entire time so exciting was that I got to feed Kate at the restaurant. While feeding her, I asked Sarah if Kate started having those massive poos that shoot up her back. She said no. I told her that would probably start in the next few weeks. Sure enough, when I sat her up to burp her after her bottle, well....see pic below. We were laughing hysterically. Luckily we were done eating and had no plans to go anywhere else. We changed Kate and headed home where I could change my WHITE shorts into some shorts Sarah lent me. Then I headed home to pick up Guen. Guen and I headed straight for the Woodlands where I had found on craigslist a jogging stroller. I have wanted one for awhile, but could not find a cheap one with a swivel wheel. Well this one was a good deal but I knew why because it was dirty. I got her down on the price a little bit more and decided to buy and take it home. I gave the stroller a good bath and washed many of the parts of the stroller, Ryan filled up the tires and now it is as good as new. See pics. Now we can leave the regular stroller in the back of the car and leave the jogging stroller in the garage when we go on our walks the days I am off. Saturday morning was the time Ryan filled up the tires, so by the time he got home it was so hot we did not get to go on our walk. I got dressed to go to a work friends wedding shower at Clay's restaurant. It was an interesting restaurant with animals for kids to see, so I took Guen with me. The shower was nice, food was good and G and I left early when she got restless. On the way out I showed her the goats, donkeys, horses, chickens and peacok. She did not seem to impressed, maybe cause she was so tired and passed out in the car as soon as I put her in the carseat. We went home and went swimming with my mother in law, Ryan and my mother in laws friend Chuck at her neighborhood pool. It was a nice night. G was so tired, she crashed that night. Love swimming for the fact. Today, Sunday, was our usual church, lunch with my mother-in-law at our house, Ryan, G and I went to get Ryan's haircut and then a visit with my parents before calling it a day. Where did the weekend go? Hope you had a good one.
Picking Guen up from Sunday School:

Guen's new ride:

Check Please: