Goodness, I have not been writing lately. It seems like with this new baby coming, I always have an excuse. But I am sitting down to write a little piece about my Guenie growing up and turning a big whopping two years old! Her birthday was Oct 3rd, Monday, but we started the birthday activities earlier that weekend. My family came over Saturday for lunch. I made sandwiches, dips, and a pumpkin dump cake for her birthday cake (something I was craving and wanted to try out a new receipe from Pintrest). I thought it turned out yummy, kinda like a pumpkin pie, upside down. Topped it with vanilla ice cream-delicious! I also tried another receipe of 7 layer Greek dip with hummus, Greek yogurt, cucumber, tomatoes, feta cheese, and other veggie with pita chips-delicious again! Anywho, we had a great time and Guen has finally gotten the hang of presents, that the paper is not the fun part, it is what's inside. She received a Barney Balloon from us, sit and spin, coloring book, Barney book, from my parents, a purse, play money/coins, note pad, colors from Aunt Missy and a coat, sweater, furry boots, jeans, dress, cardigan, and stuffed dog from her Aunt Tootie. On top of all that, and probably more importantly, everybody made contributions to Guen's college fund too. Unfortunately Ryan was not there cause he had to work that day. My sisters, Chad (Tootie's boyfriend) Guen and myself went to the mall that evening after she woke up from her nap after all the birthday festivities. Missy and I went off shopping, while Tootie Chad and Guen went off so I could shop without her. What a treat not having to watch to see if she is going to pull clothes off the hanger or get fussy, etc. When we got home, Missy, Tootie, Chad put Guen to bed with dinner, bath and reading. Another thing that does not happen often, while Ryan, who was now home from work, and I could relax.
Sunday, we went to church and Guen took her usual long nap after church. When she woke up, the entire Fennell family was over for her birthday. We had the same thing for an early dinner but I also made some cupcakes since I new the Fennell cousins would like that. Thank goodness, the entire weekend was fantastic weather, so we celebrated most of the festivities outside. For her gifts from the Fennell family, she received a non spill bowl from her Lovey, a tent, purse, lipgloss from the Fennell family and a bracelet from the Rajski family. She liked playing with all her cousins and had a ball.
Monday, her actual birthday, I had off from work and Ryan went in late for work that day. So we had a big birthday breakfast. We gave her a big girl brush and some rubberbands to pull back her mullet. We later went and had lunch at my parents house that day and she had another birthday cake over there. They watched Guen while I went to my 31 week appointment which all looks good. We came home and took it easy for the rest of the day.
Hope you had a great October so far. Will be posting soon before/after photos of some renovations we are doing to the house this coming week in order to get ready for baby number 2. Love Liz

Holy cow, she's rockin' beautiful. Just like her dad. Er, um, I mean mom!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteLove the pictures! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl. <3